”有東西刺出來嗎 ?如果沒有的話請不要擔心下星期找個時間來找我好了不要太擔心”
(我看得皺了皺眉頭!Do you think that I have made a big fuss about it?!
Not at all, Doc. 還是我之前的疑問讓你覺得我太過神經急哩勒?)
“No! Doc. that so, see you on Monday night! PS. don't worry! am not worried at all :) !”
I went straight to the clinic from my office. 小護士叫我等一下。我以為自己沒預約所以總得排一下對。沒多久,才看見我的醫生跑進來。我想,這樣的小case應該先把我給解決掉。他看了看,說沒關係。害他緊張了一下。我勒。真的沒關係!!
Joe來了信!!! (他真的是在荒島上想芒果乾想瘋了喔!!! )
since you're coming to penghu, could you bring somepreserved mango (green ones) to me......hahahhaa..Iknow you guys made a lot recently.oh, by the way, if you go back to grandpa's house nextwk, could you pick more mangos~~~cuz if waits till5/5, the mangos won't taste too good ^^oh, will you come to 將軍? or just stay in 馬公?
我可以一直吃一直吃…那青芒果的滋味很難令人停手。可是今年我卻不能有這樣的享受…..。但是,Joe…我還是捨不得分給你耶!! 呵呵。
”有東西刺出來嗎 ?如果沒有的話請不要擔心下星期找個時間來找我好了不要太擔心”
(我看得皺了皺眉頭!Do you think that I have made a big fuss about it?!
Not at all, Doc. 還是我之前的疑問讓你覺得我太過神經急哩勒?)
“No! Doc. that so, see you on Monday night! PS. don't worry! am not worried at all :) !”
I went straight to the clinic from my office. 小護士叫我等一下。我以為自己沒預約所以總得排一下對。沒多久,才看見我的醫生跑進來。我想,這樣的小case應該先把我給解決掉。他看了看,說沒關係。害他緊張了一下。我勒。真的沒關係!!
Joe來了信!!! (他真的是在荒島上想芒果乾想瘋了喔!!! )
since you're coming to penghu, could you bring somepreserved mango (green ones) to me......hahahhaa..Iknow you guys made a lot recently.oh, by the way, if you go back to grandpa's house nextwk, could you pick more mangos~~~cuz if waits till5/5, the mangos won't taste too good ^^oh, will you come to 將軍? or just stay in 馬公?
我可以一直吃一直吃…那青芒果的滋味很難令人停手。可是今年我卻不能有這樣的享受…..。但是,Joe…我還是捨不得分給你耶!! 呵呵。